Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 03, 2021—Increasingly sophisticated sensors, ultra-high-definition cameras, machine learning algorithms, and artificial intelligence have now begun to cooperate effectively, bringing benefits to various industries. With the continuous development of various industries, most of the working networks and connected applications have been converted to Ethernet, and the rest of the networks or applications are also changing in this direction. gPTP has many unique functions to achieve high timing accuracy. For example: Logical synchronization, using off-the-shelf components to achieve frequency lock. This is more cost-effective for large-scale deployments and supports fast startup to meet the needs of "just-in-time" applications.
The precise time example for daily life is self-driving cars. There are many applications that need to synchronize time. This includes personalized in-vehicle infotainment systems that meet the audio-visual experiences, autonomous driving, and parking spaces. The future will even include monitoring events faster than humans can and responding promptly. All of these require data exchange with high-precision timing, and any error may have a serious impact on the realization of various functions. It can be understood from the examples that if high precision is not achieved, the application products will face serious risks. It can lead to a bad user experience and serious consequences such as infeasible commercial products or even life-threatening. Therefore, the products and applications running in these systems must meet very strict time synchronization requirements to reduce performance risks and maintain system reliability. If you have a single device with a real-time requirement, typically it's not that hard to decide how to approach the problem – just use DBS-16GP-4X! In short, it provides scheduling, traffic shaping, and fault-tolerance features that enable Ethernet to be used in real-time industrial applications.